Heading to The Crane in Barbados in Just a Few Days

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I always get excited when it's close to Barbados time - it's like going home for me. 

I was reading over some of the past years' blog posts and found that the images in some have a big black triangle.  I'm not sure what that's about but if you click on that triangle, the picture will show up.

This will be our 15th year going to Barbados since we went for the first couple years to Coral Point, just up the coast.  So many memories, especially the ones from September 11, 2001.  Then there were the years that hurricanes almost hit, the year we met an "alien", being on the Concorde, the horse races, the archeology at an old Jewish Synagogue, the beautiful flowers, the roti, last year when we had the big ceiling leak...

The Countdown has begun!





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